The secret to Me Hiko Tortillas is simplicity… the fusion of Kiwi corn and ancient Mesoamerican food craft… no nasty stuff!

Me Hiko Corn Icon

At Me Hiko NZ East Coast corn is cooked then soaked overnight in lime water. This process is called nixtamalization and is thought to be 3000 years old.

This is when the corn becomes supercharged releasing the corns vitamin B3 and increasing the availability of calcium and amino acids.

But wait there’s more! This enzymatic nixtamal process also develops a moreish depth of flavour and aroma. This nixtamalized corn is called nejayote and after rinsing the nejayote is then ground between volcanic stones to form the Tortilla masa or dough.

Me Hiko CornchipMe Hiko Cornchip

Cool stuff ahh? How did the ancient Aztecs and Mayans know? No wonder corn tortillas have been the cornerstone of Mexican cuisine for generations!